Mixed Media Fresco Panel with ”Cast Paint” & Photogaphs Includes ”sampled” Stills from the (now In-)famous ”Rodney King Video” and Completed the Day of the L.A. Riots. 123 x 65cm 1991
Don't Shoot...
Mixed Media Fresco Panel with Found Objects (Syringe, 8mm Bullet, etc) With Objects Found in the Stair-well of my Building, Including a Broken Hypodermic and Bullet (from My Front Door) 46 x 46cm 1990
Mars & Venus
Mixed Media Fresco Panel with Found Object (Knife Blade)
102 x 86cm 1989
Mixed Media Fresco Panel with Photographs, Steel & £1 Coins The Three Pound Coins were the Last Money I had at the Time, (A{nother} Symbolic Gesture !¡) 62 x 62cm 1989
Mixed Media Fresco Panel
61 x 76cm 1989
"When old words die out on the tongue, new melodies break forth from the heart; and where the old tracks are lost, new country is revealed with its wonders."